Supply generators to operate cranes on site in England.
Generators were sized full load. In evenings, nights and at weekends, demand fell dramatically but needless amounts of fuel were still being burned.
4 X 250 kVA generators coupled with the market-leading Eco2Pod unit, and all ancillary items.
Technical Solution:
- In evenings and at weekends the load on 4 X 250k VA generators was solely from crane lights, which ran 24/7.
- Weekdays, crane inactive 6pm to 8am; weekends unused.
- The chosen emission-control solution operated 90 hours/week (charging 2 hours/12)
- Zero load fuel usage for 4 generators = save 30 litres/hour.
- 30 litres X 90 hours = save 2,700 litres/week
- Cost reduction: £1/litre = £2,700/week
- Total saving over 35 week contract = £94,500.00